Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions that we are asked
Children can be assessed from the age of 2 and a half years, depending on the presenting problem. Assessment can take the form of a school visit, a developmental observation or a more formal assessment depending on the age and developmental status of the child.
Many conditions of childhood can be assessed at the Centre. Formal diagnosis can be made by a psychiatrist or paediatric neurologist, this is usually based on the outcome of the report issued by the Centre. The assessments completed will suggest possible diagnoses.
Medication needs to be prescribed by a medical practitioner. The therapists working at the Sherwood Children’s Centre, Psychologists, occupational therapists, remedial therapists and speech and language therapists are not able to prescribe medication but consultation with a pediatrician or psychiatrist may be recommended by these professionals to discuss the options of medication.
If the child has been assessed by us and qualifies for a SASSA grant we can assist in completing these forms.
The Sherwood Children’s Centre is a multi-disciplinary centre and we are able to offer a number of assessments. The intake psychologist will determine what assessments are indicated for the child from the initial interview with the parents and with collateral information from the child’s educator. At times a single assessment suffices but there are many cases where children will require more than one assessment. Different professionals are trained to assess different areas of a child’s development and if a child is presenting with more than one area of difficulty multiple assessments may be indicated
If a child has been assessed by us and falls within the criteria laid out in the Disability forms issued by SARS we will complete these forms. There is an administration fee charged.
Assessment reports are valid for 1 year.
It is the client’s responsibility to check with their medical aid whether funds are available. We do submit to certain medical aids but not others. Check plan, savings, balance, co-payments?
All Occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and psychologists working at the Sherwood Children’s Centre are registered with the Healthy Professions Council of South Africa and are qualified in their field.
Most standardised assessments can not be repeated within a year of administration. If alternative tests are available then an alternative test can be administered.